This Is Temporary

"It's Okay to Share" - Aaron Mirtes

Lacy Hartselle Season 1 Episode 15

Meet Aaron Mirtes (IG: @aaronmirtes)! He is an independent film writer and director as well as a wonderful artistic collaborator and dear friend of mine! In this episode, Aaron opens up about everything from his anxiety (which fixated on his health) and his struggles with phobia disorder and emetophobia (fear of vomiting) to his valid frustrations with social media shaming culture and what overall coping mechanisms help him best. What’s served Aaron’s journey towards healing is his practice of actively showing up and simply expressing himself. After all, experience yields confidence and trust in ourselves and our ability to persevere, while talking and processing through our emotions produces a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. I've loved seeing how Aaron takes power over his phobias and anxiety through humor and by implementing elements of them into his films!




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Intro/Outro Song: "Waves" by Logan Bowden