This Is Temporary

"Back to Reality"

Lacy Hartselle Season 2 Episode 21

Welcome back to This Is Temporary Podcast - the start of Season 2 and our 21st episode!
I'm your host Lacy Hartselle @lahartselle and it's Mental Health Awareness Month! 
I couldn't be more grateful to be back recording episodes and being a part of the mental health community of warriors.
In this episode, I catch you up on my journey since November, when I started an IOP (intensive out patient) trauma therapy program for 3 1/2 months. I learned so many insightful skills and coping tools that I'm excited to share with you all. Thanks for joining the conversation on destigmatizing mental health. Your story and truth matters. You are not alone.
Let me know what ya think at our IG @thisistemporarypodcast and subscribe to us here and at to stay tuned for more!

IG: @thisistemporarypodcast & @lahartselle

Intro/Outro Song: "Waves" by Logan Bowden